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Healing Shame and Guilt

Healing Shame and Guilt:

A Guide for Ministers, Therapists, and Spiritual Directors

by: Janice Strength, PhD


Because unresolved shame and guilt frequently are at the core of personal and relationship problems, Healing Shame and Guilt is a critical skill in the healing process. Since clergy, therapists, and spiritual directors are the primary professionals helping people heal from shame and guilt, these leaders need to be well-versed on this topic so they may be equipped to effectively help people heal.


Methodology that actively integrates Christian faith into the process of doing therapy for shame and guilt is clearly articulated in this book. Based on courses offered to a variety of students from different Christian denominations and ethnic backgrounds the book includes cultural nuances in the understanding of shame and guilt. Additionally, the book helps the reader not just to know how to help others heal, but to apply the principles they are learning to their own lives. Professionals who want to help others heal, do it best when they can take people where they have been. It is of utmost importance that Christian healing professionals find healing for their own woundedness as a part of preparation to help others. Designed to help the reader do that, this book includes reflections, meditations, and prayer exercises to aid in personal healing.

Healing Shame and Guilt

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